Friday, November 16, 2007

stuff I've been up to

I installed twitter (if I get to the exceptional, I'll be needing this), the feature to find people in your gmail already signed up is disabled at the mo, so I am friendless! added the application on facebook so it's there for when I need it.

Also made a submission form and the php file to read it, clever me did it on my computer that had no php so obviously nothin worked! i just need to get the form to read in the variables but the basics are there.

I kinda have WAMP workin with a password, the error page comes up but then i click to open another phpmyadmin page and it works. slightly confused about that one but it works for now so thats something.


Lorcan Coyle said...

what's your twitter name? i am lorcancoyle and steve is stenvoon.
come over to casl if you need help with the wamp, php, form, etc

Christine said...

its christinetrant i think!

Lorcan Coyle said...

Cool, I'm following you now (to use the parlance of twitter).

Graeme said...

Just noticed this comment thread! I'm aceyogi. Very modest twitter bio you've got going on there...